Tag: Dr Toby Ikwueke

Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

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The human body is designed to have the ability to absorb, store, and use minerals and vitamins. However, there are instances in one’s lifestyle and diet when it becomes a little too hard to get the right amount of certain nutrients. It is situations like these that cause deficiency to set in.

Lack of exposure to sunlight, for instance, can be cause for Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is crucial for building strong bones. A diet that is low on vegetables and fruits can end up in Vitamin C shortage. Vitamin C is critical in maintaining a healthy immune system.

One very common vitamin that a lot of people tend to be deficient from is Vitamin B12. Needed to maintain a healthy nervous system and healthy blood flow, the NHS estimated that the deficiency affects 1 in every 10 people who are aged 75 and above, as well as 1 on every 20 people between the ages of 65 to 74.

Found only in animal products, it can be difficult to source especially for those that are adhering to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. In order to counter this, certain foods are being fortified with the vitamin. Another way of doing so is to take in supplements daily. Also called cobalamin, it is a water-soluble vitamin which means that it can’t be stored in the fat cells. Whatever amount that the body is unable to use gets flushed out.

People that lack this vitamin in their body are likely to experience such symptoms as lack of energy, extreme tiredness, red tongue, pins and needles, disturbed vision, mouth ulcers, psychological problems, and even muscle weakness. As with any medical issue though, if you think that you may be suffering from a lack of vitamin B12 in your system, setting up an appointment with your GP is necessary to be able to determine what your next step should be to address this.

As for the causes of the deficiency, there could be many. Often, this has something to do with the complex process of absorption involved in the vitamin as well as the likely interference from numerous possible sources. Among the risk factors that can cause deficiency include a decreased intake of animal products, breastfeeding by a mother who is deficient in the vitamin, or following a vegan diet.

In addition, older individuals may have conditions that likely end up interfering with the proper absorption of the vitamin. This includes stomach inflammation, halted or reduced stomach acid production, as well as excess alcohol among others.

Watch the video below to learn more.

If you are concerned about the possibility of deficiency, it is important to go see your GP. They can get your vitamin levels checked through a blood test. Then, they can map out the right course of action for you to get the deficiency corrected. Learn more about the importance of vitamins and minerals in the body by reading about Dr Toby Ikwueke online. You can also connect with Dr Toby Ikwueke on LinkedIn here.

Know the Signs of Bowel Cancer

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Bowel cancer has been identified as the UK’s second biggest killer. It is noteworthy though that nearly all of these diagnosed cases would have been treatable had they been detected earlier. It has been causing around 16,000 deaths every year, which makes it the UK’s second biggest killer, cancer-wise.

Based on the numbers, an individual in the UK dies from the cancer every 30 minutes. This accounts for about 10 percent of the total cancer deaths in the country. Every year, a staggering number of 41,000 cases of bowel cancer are being diagnosed in the UK. This translates to a person being diagnosed with the condition every 15 minutes. One in every 19 women and in every 14 men are likely to get diagnosed with this condition in their lifetime too.

With bowel cancer,. The key is always early detection. About 95% of cases that have been detected early were successfully treated. Unfortunately, those who get diagnosed at the latest stage of the cancer will only likely have a less than 10 percent chance to survive.

Oftentimes, the stigma related to one of the main symptoms of the cancer- blood in the stools- means that are a lot of people are likely too embarrassed to see their GP. Most of the time, if the blood in the stool is fresh and bright, the bleeding may be caused by a tear in the anus or by piles. Blood that came from higher up tends to be black or dark red. They can also make the stool resemble tar. This is the type of bleeding that people need to watch out for as it can be a sign of cancer.

It is important to watch out for bowel habit changes that last for a few weeks or even more. This is especially true if you end up getting runny or looser stools as this can also be a giveaway that you may have cancer. If the changes to the bowel habits have extended beyond three weeks and there is blood on the stools consulting a GP right away makes a lot of sense. This is especially true if one is over the age of 50. People also need to watch out for additional symptoms such as abdominal pains, weight loss, or lumps in the abdomen. These are often the most common symptoms that a lot of people tend to ignore or fail to recognise.

Persistent loose stools, bleeding, and increased stool frequency means that you are better off undergoing a colonoscopy just to make sure that things are alright. It helps reduce your risk though to increase fish intake, as well as of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. It helps to reduce intake of red meat, fried foods, sugar, and alcohol too.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Remember that the key to surviving such a diagnosis is to catch it early. Learn more about how to better recognise the telltale signs of bowel cancer by reading about Dr Toby Ikwueke online. You can also follow Dr Toby Ikwueke for tweets and updates on Twitter here.

Unwell Britain: A Look at Common Health Issues in the UK

Common Health Problems Prevalent in the UK

As a nation, the UK is getting unhealthier. People are getting fatter and sicker and definitely less healthy than what they were several years ago. The number of medical issues that people are suffering from has only increased over the years. Below are some of the most common medical concerns that people in the UK are likely to suffer from.



Many people today lead a sedentary lifestyle. Add to that the fact that most diets today consist of loads of sugar and people in the UK are definitely more susceptible to obesity. The good news is, even small tweaks to one’s lifestyle are enough to get going in the right direction. A good start would be to go for healthy meals and freshly prepared ones too. Increasing your walking time can also help so much in reducing the numbers on your waistline.



People are leading busier lives these days. They have to deal with the more information thanks to new technology too. As a result, stress levels for many people are just through the roof. Of course, this does not mean that one will just have to bear with it though. Increasing levels of exercise and medication are often quite effective at getting things calmed down in your life. It is also so much easier to manage stress levels when one follows a proper diet. If you have been stressed out lately and are experiencing such symptoms as sleeplessness, low energy, and headaches, it is time that you consult your GP.

Colds and flu


One of the most common reasons why people get sick nowadays is due to common cold. It is best that you will protect yourself against those sick days when cold and flu are in season by making sure that you regularly wash your hands especially when you are in communal spaces. It does not hurt to take some Vitamin C supplements too as it can help boost your immune system.  In addition, it helps to avoid touching your mouth and your nose when it is flu season.

Type 2 diabetes


This is a condition where the glucose sugar rises. The number of people affected in the UK with this condition is increasing. The risks increase even more when one follows a poor diet. This is even further aggravated by excessive smoking and alcohol consumption. Symptoms can include fatigue, increased thirst, and headaches. If you have been piling up on sugar lately, it is about time that you take a good hard look at your food choices and start going the healthier route.

Back pain


At some point, people are likely going to have to deal with mechanical back pain. A good way to prevent it is strengthening the core and maintaining flexibility. Gentle stretches such as Pilates or Yoga are not bad ideas either as they can be used to help ensure that your back gets proper support. Symptoms can include difficulty in moving and twisting as well as referred pain along the legs.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Find out more about which of these conditions you are likely going to be susceptible to and know what are the things that you can do to prevent them from reading about  Dr Toby Ikwueke online. You can also follow Dr Toby Ikwueke on Twiter for latest updates.